Effective September 1, 2011
Article I Name of the Support Group
The name of this Support Group shall be called the Christian Home Educators of Kamloops, hereafter known as CHEK (or the 'Support Group').
Article II Purpose
The purpose of CHEK shall primarily be to provide information, inspiration, and support to those who home educate their children and wish to participate with other like-minded, Biblically oriented families.
Since the purpose of this Support Group not only includes involvement with home education, but also a Biblical orientation, CHEK encourages and supports the formation and establishment of other home education support groups which do not have the same Statement of Faith (see Article III) or who wish to have no statement of faith at all.
Article III Statement of Faith
We believe the Bible to be inspired, the only infallible, inerrant, authoritative Word of God.
We believe in the Deity of Christ, in His Virgin Birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death, in His resurrection from the dead, in His ascension to the right Hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.
We believe in the absolute necessity of regeneration by the Holy Spirit for salvation because of the exceeding sinfulness of human nature; that individuals are justified on the single ground of faith in the shed blood of Christ and that only by God's grace and through faith we are saved.
We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved to the resurrection of Life, and the lost to the resurrection of damnation.
We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in Christ.
Note: We do not promote or encourage denominational distinction. The purpose of our group is not evangelism and we recognize that to be the responsibility of the individual.
Article IV Membership
A. Full Membership
Full Membership is extended to those who support the purpose of CHEK, and who, in good faith, agree with the Constitution and sign the Statement of Faith (see Article III).
Full Membership allows one vote per family.
Full Members are responsible to pay the membership fee in order to participate in the Support Group.
Full Membership allows the member to stand for nomination and accept a Steering Committee position (see article VI).
B. Associate Membership
Associate Membership is open to those who affirm the Purpose of this Support Group (see Article II).
Associate Members are not required to sign the Statement of Faith (see Article III).
Associate Membership allows the member to vote on general business excluding matters of policy, the election of the Steering Committee, the Constitution, or the Statement of Faith.
Associate Members are responsible to pay the membership fee in order to participate in the Support Group.
C. Membership Application and Termination Process
Membership applications for the following school term are accepted after June 1.
Membership is considered complete upon submission of an application and annual registration fees.
Membership is for the duration of one school year
Renewing memberships shall be terminated if a new application is not submitted (or accepted) by September 30.
Only families with complete memberships are allowed to participate in CHEK events.
Mid-year newcomer's membership fees may be prorated when submitted after January 1st.
Article V Property Rights
To acquire by purchase, donation, lease or otherwise, such real and personal property as may be necessary for the realization of the objectives of the Support Group, pursuant to the Constitution, as may be necessary for the purposes of the Support Group. The titles to all properties, both real and personal, shall be vested in the name of the Support Group.
If division occurs in the Support Group, those adhering to the Constitution shall retain the name and all property.
If the Support Group has less than three full voting members, the Support Group shall be dissolved.
If the Support Group ceases to function and its organization are dissolved, all property shall be sold with first right of refusal to CHEK membership. All moneys collected shall be donated to a non-profit group as agreed upon by a majority vote of the current Steering Committee.
Article VI Steering Committee
A. The Steering Committee may consist of, but not be limited to:
Communications Person
Legal Representative
Support Persons (maximum of 3)
B. The general responsibilities of the Steering Committee shall be to:
Plan topics for support group meetings.
Plan special group activities throughout the school year in keeping with the purpose of CHEK.
Attend the majority of monthly Support Group meetings.
Attend the majority of planning meetings.
C. Qualifications for a Steering Committee Member shall be:
To have a minimum of two years' experience home educating.
To be a Full Member in good standing for a minimum of one year.
To be currently home educating a minimum of one child who is registered/enrolled with a BC School.
D. Specific responsibilities of Steering Committee Members shall include, but not be limited to the following:
1. The Chairperson shall:
Gather information for and organize monthly Support Group meetings.
Chair monthly Support Group meetings.
Be a contact for those needing information or support.
Chair, or delegate a Steering Committee Member, to chair monthly Steering Committee meetings.
2. The Treasurer / Membership Person shall:
Keep accurate records for all moneys received and spent by the Support Group.
Deposit moneys into the CHEK banking account and reconcile the monthly bank statement.
Process reimbursement of all expenses incurred by the Support Group.
Keep an accurate, up-to-date record of membership including a list of Full Members and Associate Members.
Create a membership directory for the group's use.
3. The Secretary shall:
Record the minutes of each planning meeting and distribute those minutes to the Steering Committee.
Write letters, thank you notes, etc as may be necessary from time to time.
Purchase stamps, envelopes, and other pertinent supplies as needed.
4. Communications Person shall:
Keep an up-to-date list of members and email addresses.
Inform the membership of pertinent information through the use of newsletters, emails, websites, etc.
Ensure that the information being shared is pertinent to the purpose of CHEK (see article II).
5. Legal Representative shall:
Monitor the Liability Insurance Policy and the Waiver to ensure CHEK is adequately insured.
Be a contact person when booking activities with vendors requiring liability insurance.
Provide up-to-date HSLDA and BCHLA membership brochures, information packets, etc.
Encourage CHEK members to support HSLDA and BCHLA's ongoing work in support of home educators.
Send info to BCHLA newsletter on the activities of CHEK.
Occasionally, invite a guest speaker to inform the group of education changes, legal requirements, etc.
6. The Librarian shall:
Purchase library resources as agreed upon by the Steering Committee.
Keep an accurate inventory of all lending library resources in stock and on loan to members.
Set up a library display table at each monthly meeting.
Keep a record of member requested resources for the Committee to purchase.
Request, as necessary, one or more CHEK members to help with the library.
7. The Support Person(s) shall:
Assist the other Steering Committee Members in one or more of their various duties as needed.
Be a contact for those needing information and/or support.
Host/Hostess at each Support meeting, welcoming persons as they arrive.
Man the information table, being available to answer questions members or visitors may have or direct them to where they can find the answers.
Article VII Election of Officers
Full Members shall nominate Full Members for positions on the next year's Steering Committee.
Nominations shall take place a minimum of one month prior to voting and a list made available to the Full members a minimum of one week before the voting date.
Nominations and votes may be taken by hidden (or secret) ballot.
A person being nominated for the Chairperson position needs to have held a position on the Steering Committee for a minimum of one year prior to nomination.
The Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer positions are for a minimum two-year term.
All other positions are for a one-year term.
The Support Person(s) is not elected but rather is an appointed position by the Steering Committee for a one-year term.
In an election, there must never be a 100% turnover of a Steering Committee. Therefore, at the discretion of the Steering Committee, one or two positions can be withheld from the election process for one year.
Elected Officers will hold office from the June Committee meeting (where duties will be transferred) until the June Committee meeting of the year the term of office is complete. Upon completion, any officers wishing to continue on the Committee must be re-nominated for a new term.
If a Steering Committee member shall resign during the term of office, the Steering Committee shall appoint a substitute Full member to assume that position until the end of that year.
If a Steering Committee member does not attend three or more consecutive Steering Committee meetings, his or her position may be terminated on the Steering Committee, after appropriate contact has been made, by a unanimous vote of the remaining Steering Committee members. Another Full Member shall be appointed by the Steering Committee to fill the position until the end of that year.
Article VIII: Inalterability
Articles III (Statement of Faith) and VIII (Inalterability) are inalterable.
Article IX: Constitutional Changes
The Full Members must vote on all changes to the constitution.
All Full Members need to be notified of proposed changes to the constitution and the voting date one month prior to voting.
A minimum of 50% Full Member representation is needed at the meeting (whether in person or by proxy) with 80% in agreement for the constitutional changes to pass.
Any changes would take effect the beginning of September of the next membership year.